Fly Fusion Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2012)

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Stream Lines: Roll Up The Brim [Derek Bird]
Fly Tiers Canvas: Two Wire Anti-Static Bag Chironomid Pupa [Brian Chan]
Profiles: April Vokey
The Secret River [Gary Borger]
Chasing Rainbows [Jim Bailey]
Rocky Mountain Adventures [Naoto Aoki]
Floating Lines and Sub-Surface Tactics [Brian Chan]
Chasing Chrome: The Symphony Orchestra [April Vokey]
Hooks & Half Hitches: Wooly Buggers [Darren MacEachern & Jeremy Davies]
Fly Tiers Table: What Was Old… [Al Ritt]
Water Marks: Curiosity [Jim McLennan]
End of the Line: More Killer Combos [Jeremy Davies]